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The First Step To EAWS.

The First step to enrolling into the EAWS Program is to Sign into the Navy Knowledge Online Website. From There you will be able to request your AMR's.

Navy Knowledge Online

This is Where your going to Goto First. The Link Will open a Second Page and On the Opening screen you're either going to Sign up for a user name and Password, or simply Login if you're already Registered with the Navy Knowledge Online Website. After you're Logged in, Come Back to This Page, And Follow along to Step 2.

The Second Step...
Now that your Signed up and logged into the Navy Knowledge Online Website, Click Here. This is where you're going to go to Start Signing up for Your AMR's, Nessecary for your EAWS. Fill In All the applicable Information As Nessecary. After you have Verified that All of the information is correct, Return to This Page for Step Three.
Order UP!!
This is the page Where You Actually Get to Order The supplies you need For Your AMR's, Choosing between either a CD, The Book, Or Nothing At All. ***Program Coordinator Suggests Getting the Book.***
AMR's Only.
Now That You're Enrolled in The AMR Course, You Can Individually Download The Different Chapters and Assignments Here.

Some Pretty In Depth Information, And a Few Nessesary Documents Contained in This one. Good To Read.
Enrollment Info.
Some Basic Information About your Enrollment. Since The Previous Steps Have already Gotten you enrolled and Started, It's Really Just a FYI.